Slumpad post: Fyraårskalas
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| 2015-11-07, 10:54

Ett litet skojigt test där man får se en bild och så får man svara på vad man ser först. Lite svårt ibland då man nästan ser flera saker samtidigt. Ändå intressant.

Svaret vet jag inte riktigt hur jag ska tolka. Måste nog fundera på det även om det känns lite träffande. Vore extremt intressant att läsa andras svar!!

You have a uniquely creative personality!

The main things in life for you are your intuition, wisdom, joy, satisfaction and curiosity. The world for you is full of mystery, and is made up of so many different things, situations and people which are all constantly stimulating your imagination. Your life is painted in a multitude of beautiful colours, and you’re always looking at it through the prism of creativity. You can turn anything that happens to you into something positive, and you never look for simple answers to life’s questions.

You live your life in constant anticipation of experiencing something new and wonderful. However, at the moment you feel a lot of aggression inside. It’s possible that recently you’ve been experiencing a lot of negative emotions and have the desire to finally resolve something that’s been bugging you for a long time. You need to calm down and relax. The time has come to do something new. You have the ability to draw a huge amount of strength from yourself, whilst at the same time remaining a tender and loving person.

Hur uppfattar du världen?

2 kommentarer to “Världsuppfattning”

  1. John says:

    Jag fick samma 🙂

    You have a uniquely creative personality!

    The main things in life for you are your intuition, wisdom, joy, satisfaction and curiosity. The world for you is full of mystery, and is made up of so many different things, situations and people which are all constantly stimulating your imagination. Your life is painted in a multitude of beautiful colours, and you’re always looking at it through the prism of creativity. You can turn anything that happens to you into something positive, and you never look for simple answers to life’s questions.

    You live your life in constant anticipation of experiencing something new and wonderful. However, at the moment you feel a lot of aggression inside. It’s possible that recently you’ve been experiencing a lot of negative emotions and have the desire to finally resolve something that’s been bugging you for a long time. You need to calm down and relax. The time has come to do something new. You have the ability to draw a huge amount of strength from yourself, whilst at the same time remaining a tender and loving person.
